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Author Topic: New Project: maybe somebody out there can help me  (Read 6143 times)


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New Project: maybe somebody out there can help me
« on: December 05, 2010, 02:07:54 am »

so, having finished my first scene, I decided to try something a little more complex... an old style steam locomotive...
attached is an image of as far as I've gotten from a photo I found on the WWW... but I'm hung up on the "Baker Valve Lever"...
so, if any of you guys have pictures or drawings of old locomotives, I'd appreciate it if you would post them or email them to me...
Also need some advice on the materials marked on the render, tried the materials database on not so good...
messed with them for an hour, bur I can't seem to find the right set of values...grrrrrrrrr
thanks in advance...


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Re: New Project: maybe somebody out there can help me
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2010, 02:48:36 am »

ah walschearts valve gear .....or very near to it.  Are you gonna animate that valve gear?

I would use a texture for the steel and chrome then u can dirty it up a bit, or use anim8or`s ART attributes



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Re: New Project: maybe somebody out there can help me
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2010, 06:22:50 am »

Hi Freesailor

The attached image is the best thing I could find on the Baker linkage, unfortunately.  Also attached is a Gif of how I think the linkage operates, based on the rather thin Wiki article.  In the Gif, the red pivot would link to the gear lever, the blue pivot to the wheels via a rod, and the green pivot to the valve gear (so the piston would be to the right of the scene).  Half way through the animation the gear switches from reverse to forward.


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Re: New Project: maybe somebody out there can help me
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2010, 02:42:13 am »

hmmm... thanks, ENSONIQ. it didn't occur to me to search for 'baker valve gear' found a nice animation of a steam engine on wikipedia, too... and the photo is really what i needed, we don't have any steam locomotives here in hawaii to check out, so i'm gonna have to use images...fooey  :( ... if ya find any others, please post them, i got some, but more detail would be nice... might have bit off more then i can chew.. heh... dumped the first model, tried again with new specs, dumped second model... working on third.... oh well, each one gets a little better, and boy, can i whip out a spoked wheel thanks again...

hey Kreator, thought my project might catch your attention... i have entertained the idea of animation, but would have to learn a lot more before it would happen... we'll see, would be kinda neat, and there is all kinds of animated gif's around that show everything in action... hmmm... maybe

thanks once more for your help, its nice to have people respond when ya callout