I'm sure this has been asked dozens of times but I'm [just now] starting to learn animating things in Anim8or. (Anim8 and animating? lol) I never really was interested, but now I am.
Basically, I want to be able to animate my people and make them walk, talk, and move around, and at least make it believable. I know it's not instant or anything, so I'll be willing to take a while to learn it all.
But what I'd like is some tutorials for animating in 3D. Key frames (I have no idea, really) morph targets, (pretty good at them) and walk cycles. It'd also be nice if they were specifically made for Anim8or, but it doesn't really matter, I guess.
Anything anyone shows me will be appreciated! Thanks! And forgive me if I have no idea what I'm saying above, because I've never really gotten into animation as I said.
EDIT: I'd REALLY like to know about morph targets.. I just tried to animate a mouth and really can't figure it out anymore... I could only animate things like flags and stuff.

Any good morph-target-talking-? tutorials?
Thanks. =]