Great stuff guys!! Really good work coming out of this competition.
DragonSlayer: Yes I like it with the light strips/pillars. Even though it's (a little bit) easier to see where one's going, at least there won't be any injuries! I feel for the person having to clean the mirrors every day...
edit: you updated while I was typing.. To tone down the lighting you can either go to Settings > Lighting and lower the Global intensity, otherwise you will have to dim every light seperately ( I can't judge how many you have in there with all the reflections haha) by giving them a darker color. Its starting to look very spacy! haha.
3D Joe; Great work! Really good! Being the perfectionist I am I have some critics you might want to look at before you make it your final
- The horizon is very wavy, seeing the camera is at a pretty high angle, and the water not that rough, you could probably see pretty far over the water, That would make the horizon almost flat. Maybe making a bigger water-object would help, or incorporate the horizon in your background without having too much of a seam between object/background water.
- You might want to do some work in a 2d program on the background, adding some atmospheric effects, the stars are very clear near the horizon, this wouldn't be the case with fog/haze or clouds in the air. Look at this picture for example: , so maybe some colors fading would be all you need near the horizon, stars are usually seen more up in the sky.
I'm very nitpicky I know haha, but I feel you have a great scene going on & adding this would improve on the scale of the objects etc. Good luck!
Arik: Great stuff you have going on! I like your space-themes. I feel like the green wall could use a bit of a texture, even with the cartoony look -- maybe a gradient or something would do the job. Can't wait to see your final render!
Ensoniq; Awesome work as usual! Theres nothing wrong with your paint job i think! Using a reflection with such a high saturation will always mess the colors of a reflective paint up, only remedy is to make the paint less reflective, I don't know if you want to re-render for that, but it would make the image look a little less cluttered maybe. I'm not a fan of your ground texture. I know it's hard to create something in Anim8or that looks good with lack of displacement maps. maybe modeled stones or something would do the image more justice, but I know the amount of work involved in that
Great job overall! Love the colors. Cheers!
Indian8or: Marvelous image you've created! I personally would tone down on the lens flare a tad bit though, it distracts from the full image! Besides that I love the vibrant colors you have going on. The same goes here what I told Ensoniq; the floor texture seems distracting, but there is not much choice in that matter, maybe a higher resolution texture would solve it. I think you've made the final render so I won't make too many comments
I love the look of your image though! Great job.
Floyd: Great to see you're participating as well. As you're about as far as I am with my image there I guess there is not much to criticize just yet! haha. Just to wish you good luck and hope you finish!
Navek: Good effort so far! I'm afraid you can't let objects not cast a shadow in Art. You will have to find a way around that I'm afraid.
Baxter: Very nice texture work you've got! If you're going to make an action shot where the ball just hit the glass, make sure to add enough motion blur for an active scene! Good luck!
Josmic8or: Great scene! I love the comic effect of the characters, they all have their own personality! I hope theyre not drowning though
Not sure what kindof creatures they are, but they look like chickens... they can't swim right? uh-oh...