Sammy is actually intended to be a spoof of Thomas, sort of... with some humor that is not so right for the Thomas world... I don't mean "nasty" humor, but a bit on the dark, or sarcastic side. Even as I try to describe the humor intended, I lose my meaning, so not sure how to say. There will be a family of sorts, and a setting much as such storylines have in other ways (like Thomas, and other children's fantasy/story worlds), nothing so diverse as Thomas and friends... though I think a couple of engines, a tugboat, and such, are in order if it comes through. Yes, the real intent is to make a short film based on a little goofy story line I had thought up, involving a character similar to Sir Topham Hatt, and his not-so-nice moments.... Anyone with an idea of the old cartoon stereotype of a certain "man in black suit and top hat" and his uses for railroad tracks....

Sammy is on the backburner at the moment, though... I intend to pick it up again when I find time, after I have revisited one of my original reasons for getting into anim8or - a very involved, semi-comical/semi-serious science fiction storyline that I wanted to push, which would work as a comic book, or movie of sorts, or video game... And will start presenting the material here when in some semi-ready to show off condition. It's called "Corporal Cosmic and the Terran Space Force"... based heavily on the 1940s-50s style of science fiction comics and movies, but with a very strange and, I think, extremely viable and original twist.
In fact, it could be a fun project for a team to work on. I don't have any idea as to whether it would be a moneymaker, though I am indeed looking into the ways to take it that direction, but I know that market is really full of things.
I'll share more, and the door is open to anyone wanting to get in on it, when I have something worth presenting, and not just half-baked crap-models.