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Author Topic: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!  (Read 38998 times)


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CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« on: March 19, 2010, 11:47:43 am »

Some people may remember this old idea of mine... Most probably won't... but, as I mentioned elsewhere, I'm revisiting it, with a very strong desire to bring it to full light.

I was going to hold off a bit, but I can't resist showing off. At the end of the message I have attached the space helmet of Corporal Cosmic, and the medallion that is the emblem of the Terran Space Force, except that I have not finished - the words "Terran Space Force" are to circle the symbol.

The theme of "Corporal Cosmic and the Terran Space Force" is centered based upon a fictitious same-named 1950s sci-fi comic and black and white TV series in the spirit of stories "the Golden Age of Science Fiction" from the early 1900s through the 1950s-60s.

The way it all begins…

The storyline is based in "present day." The main character is a young college student on his own for the first time in the big city. He is in his dorm/studio apartment, alone, in the evening, and has received a "Care Package from Mom."

After exhausted studies, followed by a rummage through Mom's parcel of cookies and other Mom-minded things, he pulls out a very old cigar box with a note: "I think Grandpa would have wanted you to have this."

Sitting on his old, tattered little couch, the TV set on, he opens the old box and finds a funny little metal rocket ship toy from ages past, a similarly silly toy “ray gun,” a “space man” doll like something out of a vintage Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers show, a worn but decent shape comic book called “CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!”, and an interesting metal and plastic medallion…

Our “hero” gets up, setting the box aside and putting the medallion down for a moment on his TV, messing with his TV set to find something worth watching (to no avail). He sits back down, taking up the comic with a smirk, and starts to doze off as, of all things, an old black and white commercial “right out of the past,” promoting the 1950s TV show "Corporal Cosmic" airs. As his vision fades to sleep, could it be that, out of the edge of his sight, the medallion is opening up, and some sort of antenna is raising from it, on the TV?

Slipping into a dream, he finds his vision opening up to view what appears to be the set of a 1940S-50s style sci-fi spaceship or base that is in disorder and disrepair, largely shut down except for signs of recent activity where someone has been accumulating things to restore the place to operational status. As he looks about the room, he sees a reflection of himself, a figure in an old, goofy looking space suit from exactly that era of science fiction!

Realizing he’s in some sort of really crazy dream, our hero proceeds to explore this space station that is at the outer reaches of our solar system. Through his discoveries he finds out he is the last survivor of the Terran Space Force, formed to defend the Earth against aliens from beyond… and, as he goes about exploring the station, he comes to a communications chamber with big monitors, and one of the monitors activates, showing the view of some other space station or ship, and a “bug-eyed alien creature” at work at a console, who turns to look right at “our hero,” with some sort of surprise and alarm showing in its not-even-close-to-human eyes… after which the screen goes dark, short-circuiting…

And our hero awakens, it is morning and the TV is showing static, and he is back in the real world.

The idea of it is, you go through various episodes, and then wake up back in the "reality" of your college student world.  Thus, it must be a dream... or is it?

Anyone interested in the project, wanting to get in on some fun modelling and such, please feel free to contact me. Or, enjoy what develops here... I hope to make something very cool, and there is a really unique twist to it all that will be divulged as I share more.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 10:57:03 pm by Arik_the_Red »

3D Joe Wiltshire

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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2010, 06:33:31 pm »

Sounds like its going to be awesome, especially with your anim8ing skills behind it!
Yeah I think I remember seeing the last time you tried this, got me excited then too :P


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2010, 10:05:03 pm »

Project sounds fun!
HEY!Maybe I can help to model something!


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2010, 01:25:00 pm »

I had to re-construct my monitor... had a problem and lost my goods.  

I sort of like this one better in some ways anyhoo.

The brass plaque at the top will have a readerboard of sorts that identifies the "communication link", ie. whatever planet, starbase, or whatnot that is being linked up.

I built this thing with various components in fullness and depth so that I can make "operable condition"" versions as well as broken and defaced versions with a little modification. If I want to make one where the picture tube has been busted open, or pried loose, it'll accommodate that modification with minor work to the "full model."

Note: The wall panel is just a basic board I put in to see how it looks mounted. So it does show through in a few spots (in the speaker holes).

By the way, I like to give credit to Kubajzz for one of my favorite basic resources... his materials database! I love the premade textures/colors he created ooh so long ago. I enjoy working from them and modifying things based upon his fine file.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 09:53:05 am by Arik_the_Red »


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2010, 11:30:06 am »

I am taking some of my unneeded messages out of this thread... As this is a huge and longdrawn project with untold things to be shown as I go, I don't want to overkill on my postings. I basically just want to show one message for each component I develop. No sense in a lot of excess babble-message stuff.

Message image attachments will update on existing as I bring new bits of it and develop the gadget, so, as I have been updating the monitor gadget, the previous message shows its progress... and so on with each new component.

Working on a funny little scope thing... sort of like a radar display.  What ever you want to call this funky thing, let's just say...

Introducing the WHATSITSCOPE.  A part of control consoles for spaceships and stations and so on. When I have it finished, I hope to have a sweeping lightbar thing and blips and such as I see fit.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 06:51:54 pm by Arik_the_Red »


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2010, 10:38:10 am »

"Stasis Chamber"

Progress on the development of the room in which "our hero" first awakens. For easy reference, I call the cylinders "stasis tubes," and the character awakens inside one of these, filmed from first-person view as it opens up and he steps out.

I had previously posted a pic of a "stasis tube," but deleted that message and set up this one for the entire "stasis chamber".

The tube design has been completely reworked.

While the tubes are not really, technically "stasis tubes," the term fits the purpose for now. When complete, the "operational" tubes' floors and ceilings will glow.

So far I only have the tubes in place, and rough wall layout.

I am initially making the room "as if new and fully functional," When complete, this chamber will have a lot of details - pipes on walls, lights, controls, etc.

It will ultimately be in a state of disrepair, and with obvious signs of wear, tear, and breakdown, having some of the equipment working, and other pieces broken, dismantled, etc.

Below are pics of the tubes with and without doors, as well as shots of the chamber in progress.

I have a bit of problem I'm sorting in scene mode (last pic), and have a question about that in the help forum.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 12:08:04 pm by Arik_the_Red »


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2010, 10:45:04 am »

Cigar Box and Contents (Toys and Comic)

Developing the "collectibles" in Granddad's old cigar box... To include a toy rocket, a ray gun, a comic book or old-style "pulp fiction" sci-fi magazine, and "Corporal Cosmic" medallion.

The toy raygun in its beginning stages...

The toy Rocket takes shape... made from the finest die-cast tin and plastic! Hand-painted lead based paint and all!   :P  Also working on making it look like it was cast in parts... upper and lower metal body... blue plastic add-ons...

« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 12:36:05 am by Arik_the_Red »


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2010, 09:40:38 pm »

keep it up dude. looks like ur making good progress. good job so far.


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2010, 02:48:55 am »

Hya Arik

The style is looking great. It's very flash Gordon in a modern way. It's good work and worth the effort.

BTW When will your site be up?

see you andrew :)


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2010, 10:05:14 am »

Thanks for the kudos, rellik and headwax... The Flash Gordon look is exactly the sort of thing I'm aiming for. Right now I am working on a 1950s black and white TV commercial for the "old show" complete with the intentionally hokey look of that era's filming. The things shown above (before the toys message) would be along the lines of the look for the TV show (aside from being in color).  Then am going to model the "real things" based off that, but "more real than ever".

I'll make a development message for the TV commercial soon.

headwax: ummm... what site do you mean? oooh...aewakened?  At first I thought maybe you had somehow stumbled into the website I made for the Terran Space Force (not near ready, but here you go: ... I may as well put it on my siggy here....

Well, ol' ericaug's folks took him on a longterm road trip, so not sure what to do for now there.  But I love the "under construction" bit.  If you click on various areas you get little sparks like welders at work... click on the ae symbol on the name and get a bit of stuff... then click on the red dot circle... and on the ae in the name again...
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 10:09:15 am by Arik_the_Red »


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2010, 09:41:37 am »

Development of the TV Show material, for use in making a black and white TV era commercial advertising "Corporal Cosmic and the Terran Space Force!"

Rocket screenshot attached. I still need to create the "ray guns" for the nose...

Also, a couple of youtube animations... very brief and basic and lacking any detail... I just wanted to see how things might look in black and white. They were rendered small for quick production, because I just wanted a basic idea of what I would be seeing. I uploaded them to youtube because I just hate to waste anything :P

Youtube Trial 1[/youtube]]http://www.
  Just a couple of shapes to represent planets, and the first run of the rocket ship. Blink and you might miss it! The rocked is the "toy rocket" in previious post, converting colors to black and white.

Youtube Trial 2[/youtube]]http://www.
  Oh no! A flying saucer! Blink again and you'll miss the rocket doing its flyby in pursuit... Again, very basic and no frills. I wanted to test the effect of lights on a saucer. I like the results, and will now add details to the ship. The rocket here is the same one in the screenshot below.

Someone actually stumbled on the first link, and commented, saying I should put guide-wires on things to add to the corny-ness of that era's special effects. How'd he know I was planning that???? ;)



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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2010, 07:45:18 pm »

Arik love your cartoon style. and consistency. the rocket reminds me of the one from Wallace and Grommit for some reason even though it looks very different.
there are two things that are contstant. human stupitity and matter.
and i'm not to sure about the second one.
-Albert Einstien


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2010, 07:41:16 am »

Hey friend, it's looking great! I'm glad you're still working on this.
I like the look of your last ship better than the subdivided work before on the gun etc..
Can't wait to see where this will go!

See you


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2010, 12:34:36 pm »

Welll, to be clear... The colored ship is not the same as the black and white ship... the colored ship is the "toy", and meant to be simple and lacking detail... like old toys from the 1950s, such as these:

Thus, it still needs to have decals made, but theshape is complete.

The black and white model, on the other hand, is to be the "model used for filming the TV show", thus looks somewhat different, with a bit more detail. Am going to add guns, and texture for markings, etc., and it will be done.

Lastly, I will be making "the real ship" as the main character finds and flies himself. It will be of much more detail, similar in basic form though, but intended to be much more convincing as "I really am seeing this!!"
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 10:12:24 am by Arik_the_Red »


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Re: CORPORAL COSMIC and the Terran Space Force!
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2010, 10:35:16 am »

If you want realistic details, I recommend to put on scorch marks, like from re-entry. More scorch marks could also be placed near the rocket and around guns. A good source of references of scorch marks would be WWII planes, especially around the exaust. The TV shows often show a shiny, flawless model; but real life leaves marks, physically and mentally (as if the ship had a brain, hehehehe... then again, that has been portraid... ;)) Looking good so far, great idea!
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