na anatomical study of dudes would bore me perhaps on the female plugin i might haha
the original plan for plugin was giving user control over some of the attributes changing variation also in knowing that anim8or has sub-d as option only requires a low poly mesh which can then be easily fine tweaked by modellers and easily to understood for newer users and animators
Im 3d old school i use method point per point so i tend not to follow any modelling method styles because point per point is all of them i also haven't modelled stuff in while so i fail to notice this edge loop method i do remember markyjurky once tryin to explain them to me once i kinda understand them now as animation related to muscle flexing etc yes ! anyway il stop rambling
i have some questions
1) do you think the wirecage is complete ? ( i have to restart attributes objects from scratch each and every time wire cage change.. not forgetting uvwrap

2) im using 1440,900 res desktop mode should i rescale the model smaller so it fit into active view port im unsure how model is viewed in other res
3) should model be set to spawn standing on origin or centre of origin from mouse pointer
4) should i model in mouth interior ?
5) does any one see figer rigging problems that may happen in current model ?
in advance thank you very much for feed back
al special thanks to all those assisted me sofare
i have updated
F8ceBodyWIP.an8 with current wirecage in object:dissolve
bloat no longer share same cage but will stay in an8 to use as ref finding the 0.% to 100.% attributes ,as see the attribute list is quite long eek
object: "Par_insert name" will be pre-sets which may not be fully compatible with the attributes