Well Thanks for the reply

(I actually mean it), and yes it was made in 20 mins, also 3 minutes to render in scaleline is
EXTREAMLY LONG for my computer (even at high poly with big textues and antialiasing on),
so point one
I generated (by height) a terrain which took about ten minutes, in the mean while I made the tree stump (which with the anim8or tools goes quilcky), I applied a texture I made for a differn't project, then made the tree branch, aplied it's texture from the same project as the base of the tree texture, used the random script to distribute it randomly arund the tree, deleted some branches, joined it's solids, realized terrain had been done generating, so I imported it into anim8or used the same random script to distibute the trees amoungst the terrain, then twiked it, rendered it, and wala, roughly 20 minutes.
piont 2 (not as long)
I was bored and desided to attempt a forest with the random scripted
point 3
Comparing how long this took and how fast I make buildings ( I make buildings - untextured, in about five muniutes), I think it was pretty good timing, but could be done quicker
And to stop wasting your time
I do think it wuld turn out better with more time spent on it.