Basically, the magical thing about Anim8or, and indeed any animation package, is its ability to work out intermediate steps between steps you define. For instance, you could make a simple animation of your spaceship, making it fly across the field of view, by defining a scene of, say 100 frames. Select the first frame position on the scale at the bottom of your screen, click the icon with a key on it, so it turns green, and move the ship to the starting point. Then, with the key button still green, select the last frame on the scale at the bottom, and drag the ship to its final position. You should notice a white line that traces a path across the screen, from the ships starting point to its end point. This describes all the positions the ships will be in during the animation. Click on the key button again, to turn it off, and click on the first frame position again. Now click the play button. Your ship should move nice and smoothly across the screen, as the software calculates each actual position of the ship.
Thats the basics. For such a simple animation there is no need to use figures (bones) at all. I suggest following the excellent tutorials on this site, designed to teach the sort of knowledge you want. And experiment.