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Author Topic: VRML exporter plug-in  (Read 11931 times)


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VRML exporter plug-in
« on: January 31, 2010, 12:54:07 pm »

Hi everybody !  :)

I'm very proud to announce the release of my first script in ASL! So this is a vrml exporter plug-in.

Notice :

You can set the name of the scene. Create a string attribute named vrml_name and put the name of the scene in the string field.
If this attribute is not set, the scene will be named like your object.

You can create points of view directly in Anim8or :
make a primitive (whatever, a cube is perfect) and name it like that : view:name_of_point_of_view
This primitive won't appear in the final scene but a point of view at its position will be created.

Don't forget that .bmp file cannot be used for texture in vrml format !
An alert message in the console will inform you if some bmp textures are used.

WARNING : because of a lack of functions and some restrictions of ASL the shapes with several materials won't be exported correctly. Indeed the shape material will be only the first material applied in Anim8or.
I will correct this as soon as ASL allow to do that.


Enjoy !!  ;)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 01:53:58 pm by Paulo »
Paulo, French 3D Maker

My VRML exporter for anim8or :