Hi again, and thanks for the posts.
RudySchneider: Thanks for enjoying that short foray,.
I'm intending to visit
www.rudyschneider.com for a proper look next time i'm on a decent connection. Am sure i'll see some cool stuff,
Mills. thanks. i'll try to keep you interested.
davdud101: Was going to use a stickman for this, because its really mostly about the animation. But if i use the characters i have, then i can also keep an
eye on skinning behaviour, etc.. while i'm at it.
yeah, i'll make some new characters one day, for sure.
neirao: Thanks. . Every laugh counts. Glad you liked it.
sgwan: Good luck at school this year. I spose you'll be using 3DStudio max, or similar, so you'll be using an IK animation system. That'll be cool. IK
certainly does hav advantages over FK. would be good to see some of your stuff later in the year.
hiho: Good criticisms.

. Its funny you should mention weight, becoz thats exactly what i'm working on at the moment. Its tricky, but i'll keep trying. Am doing a bit of 'heavy box lifting', but haven't got it yet. (PERSERVERANCE!!) Will also keep the weight issue in mind when next doing any walk/run cycles.
I did use 2 figures. 1 with spear, 1 without, and yes, he does dodge that spear a fraction too quickly.
Excellent crits. Thanks for not letting me get away with it.
NeonFalcon: Yip. Thats another fault which i just let pass. thanks for keeping me honest. It was laziness,
Thanks again all. I'll keep working on things, and hav something new in just a little while.