Thanks guys.
Cheers rellik420

Hi there. RudySchneider: I always appreciate your comments.

I'm looking at the vid, and don't actually see the bit you're talking about. (i am going blind though)

It sort've looks right to me, unless i'm seeing it wrong. (which i must be, coz i know that you're onto the physics/movement of things like that
I just can't see it. (the wheel going fwd as he pedals back)
Is it all the time during the back and forth movement, or just for a moment.?
You've got me worried here. ( Am i going mad.)

EDIT: i just looked again. OK. I see what you mean. Yes. Well, it never occured to me. I honestly thought i had that right. But, no.
The wheels are 'rotating' correctly, but the movement 'on the ground' is wrong.
Well spotted. Glad u picked that up.