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Author Topic: LibAn8 v9.02.01 is available  (Read 6397 times)


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LibAn8 v9.02.01 is available
« on: February 01, 2010, 02:32:13 pm »

LibAn8 v9.02.01 is available:

LibAn8 is a C++ .an8 files loader library which developpers can use to load .an8 files in their applications (3d files converters, OpenGL or Direct3D games, renderers, ...).

This version fixes several bugs in the loading of weights of figures.

The source code of a very basic OpenGL viewer is available in the SDK. It depends on the GLGX library (an utility library like D3DX for Direct3D):

LibAn8 do not depends on OpenGL. You can also use it with Direct3D or other applications.