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Author Topic: models for animation  (Read 6507 times)


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models for animation
« on: January 16, 2010, 10:35:32 pm »

well i want to start animating and ive come across a few problems with modeling. ive attempted this once before and it didnt come out as planned. ive been searching the web for techniques on how to model joints (like and elbow or knee) and havent come up with much.

im trying to make a dummy model only made for animating. i tried a stick figure with spherical joints and that didnt work well. but i could make a humanoid model as well.

if any1 knows any tutorials or information on how to "correctly" model please let me know.


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Re: models for animation
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2010, 11:29:20 pm »

 Maybe a little time consuming for your immediate needs, but thought you mite like this link if you haven't seen it before. (modelling - joan of arc)

  As far as 'correct modelling for joints' goes, there is some trial and error involved in getting the bends to look right. 1 thing to keep in mind is that, rather than have 1 loop of edges around a (eg) knee joint, you should have at least 3 or 4. (hope that makes sense)

 Srry. No tutorials come to mind at the moment, but i'm sure theres better explanation out there somewhere.


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Re: models for animation
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2010, 12:53:36 am »

Getting decent joints is one of the hardest things I've every had to work on in AN8. But generally what I've learned is to use Weight Painting and make sure you create solid tubes for the things you dont want to deform so that you can put geometry inbetween that will bend. Also you have to feather the influence between those solid areas. For a knee I'll usually have a seperation of about 3 blocks between the thigh and calf that way the edges of those sections will be solid and then the influence fades to a 50/50 split in the middle and you get a passable knee assuming the geometry wasnt painted incorrectly.