Hi there Kubajzz.
Cool. I like that plain textured effect, with the right lighting its cool.
Just my 2 cents here, and i notice it with plenty of anim8ions, and thats the 'speed' of things. Eg. I can understand why you would allow a couple of keyframes for the big cube to land, but i think that in reality it would hit the plank/ground quite a bit faster. Even when the little cube flies into the air, i think that you could do away with a frame here and there. But the speed of the roll when the small cube hits the ground looks about spot on.
I usually anim8 at 24fps and theres been times when 1 frame between keys still isn't quick enough. (ie: anim8or pinball) Perhaps, in rare cases like that, it would be worth thinking about using 30fps, or even more.?
I know that i should be entering these challenges. Got a bit more time now, and finally an internet connection at home.

A long time ago, raxx had some 'simon says' challenges going, and they were some really enjoyable times, plus, i learnt a lot.
Anyway, nice stuff.