*creeps back into the forum, tail between legs*
hello again, long time no post. my bad.

i haven't been ignoring you all on purpose, i've just been tied up a lot with other work lately.
anyways, i'm now starting work on my dissertation project for by BSc Media course, which is a mockumentary about a couple of students trying to make a sci-fi action-adventure feature film, with psychotic alien hamsters trying to take over the Earth. although it's primarily a live-action project, there will be a few CGI elements, including big scary hamster battle spaceships, and the interior of the Hamster Parliament, all done in guess which program

i'll try and post WIPs of the project's progress on here over the next few months. for starters, here's the title graphic (i might do a new version with stars in the background later), and the very much unfinished battleship - please forgive the ghastly psychedelic colour scheme, it's only a temporary thing i'm using while i build the models, to help me keep track of which bits are which. details such as gun turrets are still to come (plus proper textures, of course).
- colclough