the colors part i dont know what you mean. are u on the default grey color? and you cant cvhange to red or blue?
but i think i can help on your movement.
in object mode it has set coordenates. i think your best bet is to be on x=0 y=0 z=0. you really cant go wrong with that,
if you mean to zoom in or out use your arc rotate. "read the manual"
i dont see the need to mode yoiur object in object mode but if you need to move in scene mode... go to your "viewprt right" or hit the 6 on your NumPad. selected x only and push it forward or backwards. *that would control your z axis because yout faceing right and right would be forward and backward. or you can go to ur top view and hit the y axis only and go up and down. same thing only different. like those guys said.
i think what u really need to do is figure out that your in a 3d world and you need to figure out what axis r what
(in front view)
x = left and right
y = up and down
z = back and forth (depth)
i hope we helped, cause i dunno what else 2 tell u.