@ 3D Joe: Thanks, I tend to think the textures help more than anything. Farrah's texture came from the game (a friend pulled it for me). The male heads textures were found online long ago at a 3DS forum.
@ Dosser: My kid brother played the game and I thought she looked good in the movie cuts. While I was looking online this fan made drawing came up and I liked the pose and I can see making both light and dark fairies from this drawing.
I'm curious - why are you learning anim8or after Blender?
I just found Anim8or, didn't know it existed. I am looking for work, I got bored and decided to work on my 3D models. Money being tight as it is no college (no computer access) so I have been banished to the parents dungeon.

I swear they must have had a wino living in here or perhaps they rented it out to a circus freak. But the good news is internet access and their old PC... I think it's a PC.

Which is one BIG reason I am not using Blender right now their graphics card is so old Blender won't or can't use it. I am lucky I found Anim8or.

@ dkobol: It took some time to render the raycast shadow. So I used an old trick I saw and made the fake shadow it render very quickly. I suppose it couldn't hurt to subdivide the mesh to make her smooth out more. But I was thinking of remaking the hands again with fingers instead of mits.
I would've thought once you'd mastered all those hidden menus and tiny buttons and right-click selecting you'd think it's too much effort to learn anything else
This is too common a misconception of Blender. The GUI is able to be changed at the start. You have the option to change the mouse controls, colors, layout and even make the buttons a big as you want. If you check my postings that was my first question about Anim8or. Could you change the GUI? The answer was a flat no. I would be a rich girl for every Blender noob who said the buttons were too small.