Greetings Kevin
Well you'vve done a magnificent job there. Kudos to yourself for getting the whole project together and carrying it to completion.
Amazing what some individuals can do to get a crew motivated. It's like the site you are running at animanon. Never a dull moment, never a lag in enthusiasm in propping your shield up against the placid hordes of antipathy. Much like the producer is waging his own war on Cg-Nation. I admire you both.
I think the whole Fun of The fair Project shows admirably how capable anim8or is a a modeller. I think it also shows that anim8or is a very valuable tool in a tool box that has plenty of room for other programs - like carrara and poser.
This is against the common misconception that to use anything but anim8or is somehow dirtying a project - be it a render, an animation, or as in this case, a small movie.
Perhaps that's why you haven't had any responses here? I'm sure its not the size of the file as, I assume, most people have broadband.
Congratulations again!
I'll be back soon to animanon when I have finished my "illustrated" book. So far my Photoshop browser tells me I have about six hundred textures, and renders so it should only take me a day or two to finish

BTW do I see a little Ben in there?