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Author Topic: exporting animations  (Read 9259 times)


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exporting animations
« on: October 03, 2009, 06:11:40 am »

my views on anim8or may be irrelivant but i think it is the best modeler ever. i know the animation is still being worked on, but once IK is availible, i think exporting animations would be key. thsi way you can export it into any program you want. i think its more for game engines and for programs with particle engines.

im not knocking anim8or at all. its just missing a few key things. Ive only experimented with other programs and ive already decided if i would use another program i am definetly modeling in anim8or.

another thing ive read up on is pro's and con's between IK and FK. if you can make it interchangable i think anim8or will not only be the best modeller but the best animator as well. just my 2¢'s


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Re: exporting animations
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2009, 06:47:46 pm »

 "'s and con's between IK and FK. if you can make it interchangable i think anim8or will not only be the best modeller but the best animator as well....

 I never thought about that.
 I wonder whether  IK animation systems can convert to FK?
 Probably not, but if so, and Steve did introduce IK, yet kept the option of reverting to FK, that would defineately be pretty awesome.
 But i do have a feeling that this wouldn't happen.
  I imagine that IK data would be so completely different than FK data, that being able to convert from one to the other would be a massive amount of work.
 (if anyone can correct me on this?)

 As far as the pro's and cons between FK and IK go, i imagine that the pros for IK would be 'faster working' and 'no foot slip'. (seems to be biggest complaint about FK)
 Not sure about the pros of FK. ????

 One thing i have thought about, in an FK system, would be to be able to 'lock the foot down', by means of a target of some sort. You could place the target where the foot is, and 'lock' the foot to it.
 But thats all way beyond me really.
 I agree that anim8or is a brilliant modeller. Just wanted to add my 2 cents to your thoughts. :)

 I'll always be a Huge fan of Anim8or, no matter what. ;)


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Re: exporting animations
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2009, 09:56:13 pm »

i dont think it would be that hard to set up but then again im not a programmer. what i would do is have a button that makes it kind of convert the bone you want to switch.

like say you have an arm rigged with ik but you want the shoulder or elbow fk you click that button and it copies the bone and sets it above your ik bone. have the properties of your wieghts the same (so you dont have to paint it again). then its only the matter of clicking which bone you want to use. or you can even click on all the bones in ur model and you have both ik and fk set on one model. in my head it wouldnt look that confusing unless you have a wierd creature with a bunch of arms and legs. other than that it would be easy to see your rig. it would be even better if the bones were different colors.

i think that would work anyway.


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Re: exporting animations
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2009, 12:37:27 am »

As far as I understand this,adding IK wouldn't change the way
animation data is stored.
FK and IK are tools to change animation data.
FK is relatively easy since you change data one bone at the time.
IK is different.If you have a chain of bone,the user gives the location
of the last bone tip and Anim8or has to change all the parent bone data
Programming this is more complicated,but quite doable: coding and debugging is a question of time.
The main problem is the math behind it.It implies multiple variables in
3 dimensions.( headache )

That's how,I see it. Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 12:40:03 am by Claude »


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Re: exporting animations
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2009, 01:29:19 am »

well would my way actually work? assuming you have ik and fk availible. you basically duplicate the rig and have the properties for the ik rig and fk rig. i think its kind of a shortcut or a cheat but if u can pull it off it should work... i think


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Re: exporting animations
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2009, 11:13:15 am »

If IK is added,nothing else is needed.
IK is difficult to implement.
Lets hope it becomes reality one day.