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Author Topic: eyeballs  (Read 11538 times)


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« on: October 03, 2009, 05:53:44 am »

im just wondering if an eyeball is usually a sphere or if its more of a non uniformed spherical object fit to the head?

ive been watching as many 3d movies as i could and most (besides beowolf) are very cartoonish heads which are pretty stretched out. and i've tried to pay attention to details but they really dont add up all the time. im just woundering if eyes are usually a sphere and boned or almost a sphere and morphed.

please help ive been trying to conform most models to a sphere eye. and if theres and easier way to morph the eye and not have it a perfect sphere  it would work so much better. thanks


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Re: eyeballs
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2009, 08:01:41 am »

Well, I saw a good eyeball tutorial, and the eyeball was a sphere with a dimple over the cornea.


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Re: eyeballs
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2009, 08:18:57 am »

EDIT: this should be the right link ;)  srry for the mistake. If you wait a few days/weeks you can also watch part 2/3 :P
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 10:59:33 am by Jehovahenker »
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Re: eyeballs
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2009, 08:57:24 am »

yea im going more twards not a sphere. like i said ive been using a sphere for an eyeball but mainly because it would be used by a bone to rotate.

i havent dont much of any animation only simple things to learn how to do it.

my question was really is it easier or harder to just morph eyes. say u dont have a sphere for the eyeball. is it that much more complicated to morph the movements? or am i better off just making a sphere for the eye.

and jehovahenker... u might want to be more specific i have no idea what ur trying to do. the bird thing? cause that has no relavance on anything.


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Re: eyeballs
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2009, 10:58:11 am »

yea im going more twards not a sphere. like i said ive been using a sphere for an eyeball but mainly because it would be used by a bone to rotate.

i havent dont much of any animation only simple things to learn how to do it.

my question was really is it easier or harder to just morph eyes. say u dont have a sphere for the eyeball. is it that much more complicated to morph the movements? or am i better off just making a sphere for the eye.

and jehovahenker... u might want to be more specific i have no idea what ur trying to do. the bird thing? cause that has no relavance on anything.

Ow weird, thought I posted a link to a tut Johnar posted a few days ago, but the link clearly doesnt work right. (look at the WIP forum)

But: I think it's easier to morph eyes, since it's only rotating and moving up and down, als; it will be very messy with alot of bones in the head.
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Re: eyeballs
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2009, 05:58:43 pm »

   One good thing about starting with a sphere for an eyeball is that the points are positioned to make a great 'base-beginning'.
 If you drag out a sphere and look at the top, you can see the points you could manipuilate to make the pupil or iris 'move'. (morph)

If you start with a spherical shaped eyeball, Rotate so the top is the front, then adjust the outside  shape to fit the 'odd-shaped' eye socket.
 Then add the morph targets.
You could then  morph/(move) the pupil and iris , and not actually need to 'rotate' the eyeball itself.
 The only bone you might need could be a fixed bone in the head,  if you wanted to add the eyeball to the figure seperately, in figure mode.

 The tut that Jehovahenker posted a link to concerns rotating a whole spherical eyeball.
 I nearly finished part 2 last night, but not quite'

 Its a cartooney eyeball as well. pretty straight forward.