I would like to ask advice on the best way to automate my animated sprite creating process.
While I do use Anim8or to create objects for use in 3d games (primarily Orbiter), I also use it for creating nice looking sprites for isometric 2d games. I can create a character, then take renderings of him at any angle or walk cycle, and then turn that into an animation in the game. The process I am using to do that is seriously time consuming:
1. Create a transparent box around the model to allow the view distance and angle to remain the same during rendering.
2. Rotate to a user view of 45 degrees using the wireframe of the transparent box and sizing it to the viewable screen to ensure that the renderings are all the same scale.
3. Use the render function to save an image.
4. Rotate the model 30 degrees and take the next shot.
Here is an example of how many renderings it takes to get a decent walking animation.

OK, Fact is, I have been modeling with anim8or for years, and I have never once done an animation inside the program, or ever really used the movie making features at all. I do all my animations inside the game programs that I am putting the models in. So I really never used a "real" rendering engine at all. Should I animate the models in animator and then convert a movie to frames, should I write a script to take the screenshots needed, or what?
-I look forward to some great suggestions from folks that have learned to do stuff like this the right way, vs. my way.