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Author Topic: Bug in Anim8or stable and 0.97d preview?  (Read 8397 times)


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Bug in Anim8or stable and 0.97d preview?
« on: August 06, 2009, 09:48:40 am »

There's some problem, maybe a bug, in 0.95 and in 0.97d:

When I open an object double clicking it and the "Mesh Editor" window appears, even if I don't change anything and click OK, or just make a name change, the object moves slightly, usually in the X axis, but sometimes also in the other axis y and z.

THis is a real problem specially when working at a medium size or small scale.

I think that this has to do something with the way the numbers are rounded. Maybe the very small decimals are eliminated once the OK button is clicked, and that produces a movement. For example, for an X value of 0.0058, the value is reseted to 0.005 and the object moves in X.

Hope this helps to fix this bug. Thanks Steve for your hard work.
Jordi R. Cardona
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