Whatever you want to call it how do you make one. i know theres a certain path you use but i dont know how to make text fly in from nowhere. So can someone please help me out?
EDIT: Ok i figured out how to get the object into the sequence part. Also figured out thats where you animate it. Now i just need help on how to move the figure once in sequence mode.
EDIT: EDIT: Ok now that i know everything but one thing...how do i make another frame??? for example on the bar it has the black squar meaning frame(according to the manual) there is one at the beginning on the :00 then right after the next slash so like a :00.1 sec. after how do i add another frame there? Just click the animate button because i did and it didnt work for me. i tried everything i can think of. thanks for the vid and manual. they really helped me out.
EDIT: EDIT: EDIT: All figured out. I know what to do.