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Author Topic: Joined solid and transparency  (Read 7874 times)


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Joined solid and transparency
« on: June 08, 2009, 10:14:39 am »

Hi all,
I am very curious if is it possible to use transparency for joined solids without seeing the border of the source primitives. Lets say that I made the dolphin (like the one on the splash screen) and want to make it look like from glass. I am able to create the dolphin from cubes and other primitives, join them and use subdividing to get the final shape. But when applying the transparency, I see those borders inside. Is it possible to get rid of them?


PS: I know I can use something made by lathe and modify the shape, but it is not so comfortable


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Re: Joined solid and transparency
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 10:20:47 am »

It seems like you are ready to move on to the next level of modeling: on the point edit mode.

Up till now it sounds like you have been mostly working with primitives. the best way to join these together properly is to join the solids, then go into the 'point edit mode' and change the whole geometry of the primitives (cut out the parts that overlap and join the edges together)

For detailed information have a look in the manual.

Good luck!


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Re: Joined solid and transparency
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2009, 11:53:57 pm »

Unfortunately Anim8or does not have boolean functions (yet), which allow such things as object merging and shaping one object with another.  The only real alternative is point editing, as $imon has pointed out.  It can be a little daunting at first, but once you have the hang of it it opens up a whole new scope of possibilities.  It's well worth learning, because point editing of wireframed objects is really the most fundamental level of 3D modelling.  Primitives and parametric objects (extruded, lathed, etc.) are really just mathematical shortcuts, allowing quick construction of wireframe objects.  Moving from primitives and parametric modelling to vertex (point edit) modelling is the equivalent of moving from building blocks to sculptor's clay.


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Re: Joined solid and transparency
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2009, 02:41:38 am »

I really miss the boolean operations in Anim8or. I have also MM3D (Misfit Model 3D) installed and as I found out, it is also possible to export the objects from Anim8or as OBJ and perform boolean operations in MM3D and then import back to Anim8or.  ;)