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Author Topic: Bug report and feature request: 3ds export dda export  (Read 7891 times)


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Bug report and feature request: 3ds export dda export
« on: May 02, 2009, 04:31:29 pm »

Hello Steve,

I love anim8or, ive been making models with it for years.
I am a moderator in the forums.; Im here to say....we want anim8or!
GLBasic is a super powered, 2d-3d-networked game programming language, available since early 2000's.
Hundreds if not thousands of people use GLBasic to create games.....and almost all of them are using Blender, because blender has an export for .dda files which are read by glbasic language.
Anim8or is much easier to use...MUCH.
Im sure im speaking for hundreds of folks in glbasic when i say: I would rather, not to have to, use blender for animations, but Anim8or isnt exporting 3ds properly.

Heres the bugs:

Anim8or export 3ds:
Object, figure and sequence all export the 3ds model selected. but no animations keyframes are being properly exported....they are unrecognized by blender and GLBasic ....kindof a trend it seems....thats why im here.

Anim8or export obj:
Texture coordinates not exported correctly for objects.

And here are my requests:
1. Please fix .3ds export proper format 3ds animations, so it can be imported into blender or GLBasic.

2. Create a new export format for GLBasic?! The format file extension is .dda
Here is how it is formated:
Code: ( *.dda file extension) [Select]
DDDA 1.0 # DDA file, version=1.0
# this must be the first bytes of the file
# a # indicates a comment for the
# rest of the line

6 # tex count - number of texture coordinates
1.000 0.004 # uv 0
0.996 0.992 # uv 1
0.000 0.992 # uv 2
1.008 0.000 # uv 3
0.000 0.988 # uv 4
0.176 0.281 # uv 5

2 # number of faces

# face description
142 142 142 # rgb for this face

# now the vertices
# n p1 p2 px ... t1 t2 tx ...
# n = number of points for surface
# px = index of position vertex (see below)
# tx = index of texture coordinate (see above)
3  0 0 3 1 2 2 # nxyz nuv ...

# next face
142 142 142 #col
3  0 3 2 4 1 5 # nxyz nuv ...

2 #number of keyframes

# keyframe description
4 # number of position vertices for keyframe
-0.988 3.000 0.000 # x y z 0
-2.017 1.966 -0.724 # x y z 1
-2.988 1.000 0.000 # x y z 2
-0.988 1.000 0.000 # x y z 3

# next keyframe
 0 1 0 # x y z 0
-1 1 0 # x y z 1
-1 0 0 # x y z 2
 0 0 0 # x y z 3

« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 04:36:23 pm by hemlos »