I agree entirely with Indian8or, on the subject of motivation. The problem is that we are not professionals, and have very limited time to do what we all enjoy - animating. We all have our own projects under way or in mind, sometimes long term projects that will take months or even years to complete. The best way you can get some animators to put their projects on hold or push them back would be to get them as excited about your idea as you are.
How to do that, you ask? With information. You need to provide the following:
1) A design brief, including what the animation is for, who the intended audience is, when it should be completed by, what kind of message it is trying to convey.
2) A complete storyboard. It doesn't have to be artistically brilliant but it must define the full extent of the final edited animation, with each scene defined and described in as much detail as you can. The storyboard must also provide information on how long each scene is to run for.
3) A breakdown of the scenes, with running lengths for each, including what models will need to be built and how they should look. Include ALL models, no matter how minor, because unlike filming we can't just populate a scene with pre-made props.
4) As many images, drawings or videos as you can find that help to define what it is you are after. I would also strongly recommend that you learn the very basics of animating with Anim8or, and use this knowledge to create a very simple "pre-visualisation" animation, using basic rectangles and spheres in place of characters and without complex modelling and materials. Seeing the basic concept might make us feel like we would like to help you improve it.
I understand that you might be nervous about revealing your ideas, but there is really no benefit in keeping secrets. The amount of time it takes to create even a few seconds of animation means that the animator must have a strong incentive to keep working, and since we are not professionals the only real incentive is a personal "ownership" of the project. You need to sell this idea to us, or interest will remain low.