Hi, total buffoon when it comes to the world of 3d animation here, and I've got something I'd like to do that I'm sure is excruciatingly simple, but I've watched tutorials and looked at the manual, and for the life of me, I just... CAN'T... SEEM...
TO DO IT. And as you can see, it's making my urge to kill rise a little.
First, I'm trying to make some 3d text that the camera zooms away from very quickly, then rotates to the right slowly. It's for a little trailer thing I'm working on. I can get the 3d text made, but I can't figure out how to get it into an animation sequence.
Second, I've got a flat image that I'd like to trace and create as a 3d image. It's very simple, but I can't seem to make it start adding points and drawing lines.
If anyone could help, it'd be fantastic.
Thanks! And if I get it to work I'll be sure to post the little clip.