(look for tutorial below)
hey Mr Noob (a bit of a pessimistic name maybe?

An asteroid is generally speaking just a big rock, right? They usually have a bit of a round shape.
The easiest way to recreate this in 3d is to make a sphere and 'randomize' all the points in that sphere so that it looks like a rough surface.
You can use that by using Kubajzz script:
http://www.anim8or.com/smf/index.php?topic=1105.msg10829#msg10829It deforms a mesh (a sphere probably in this case) in a random matter.
To get a really rough surface, you might want to subdivide the mesh a few times first, then apply kubjazz' script a few times with different settings: a very general deformation, and smaller deformations.
This will get you a rough surface for the stone, then you can maybe add a bumpmap for the smaller rough details.
I hope this might help a little bit.
Good luck with that!