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Author Topic: Anim8or too primitive?  (Read 33081 times)


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Anim8or too primitive?
« on: March 03, 2009, 08:31:07 pm »

Earlier this year i started taking a 3ds max class at my highschool,so i searched the enternet for free 3d modeling software and found an8.But i havent seen what an8 can do.I dont see how you could make some of the models you guys make.And there isnt good tutorials that explain how to make 3ds rank models.Please if you can link me to some more upto date tutorials other than the 1s on the an8 website thatll be great


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2009, 05:00:10 am »

Anim8or isn't a top of the line 3d program like 3ds max. When comparing you could say that anim8or is bit primitive. But that doesn't take away that anim8or is a great free program which has a lot of potential. All you need to have is a little creativity.
Like someone else on this forum once said: It's not the tools but the artists (or something like that). So there isn't really a 3ds rank models or an anim8or rank models. A great artists can create beautifull stuff nomatter the software.

If want to make great models like you sometimes see in max, why not follow max tutorials. Most tutorials aren't specific for one software and can be translated to other software like anim8or.
Maybe you had like to try some of the tutorials on this site:


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2009, 06:26:53 am »

Animator has, in my opinion, one of the best vertex modelling engines of any 3D animation package, and puts many professional packages to shame.  In fact, many animators who work with Maya, 3DS Max, Carrara etc. create their wireframes in Animator and export them, myself included.  The point edit mode allows complete control over the position of each vertex point and its relationship to other points, and there is a comprehensive tool kit for manipulating them.  With this level of control, virtually any model can be created, the complexity and scale being limited only by the imagination, skill and patience of the artist.

Often a model can be started with a simple shape, either a primitive (cube, sphere, etc.), an extrusion from a spline, or a lathed spline (a curve rotated around an axis, like clay on a potters wheel).  These basic wireframe models can be added to, manipulated, altered, mirrored, joined etc. to create very complex wireframe models.  My suggestion would be to have a quick read through the manual (it's tiny, relatively speaking.  Compare it to Maya's, or Carrara's manuals!) and then experiment, refering back to the manual as you need to.  Also, do a Google search for tutorials, they don't necessarily have to be Anim8or specific, the basic concepts generally translate across all vertex modellers.

There really aren't any shortcuts to making good models, other than pinching somebody else's work, and how satisfying would that be?  The methods used to make, say, a human face in Animator are basically the same methods used in Maya or Lightwave.  The big difference is that Anim8or is free, easy to learn, and has a very low impact on your computer's resources.  The big pro packages are none of these things.  The most important tools you need to build great models are imagination, patience and dedication, the software is far less important.


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2009, 06:36:12 am »

@ENSONIQ5: Amen!


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2009, 11:41:51 am »

The point edit mode allows complete control over the position of each vertex point and its relationship to other points

I hav`nt come across any other 3d Modelling Program that is capable of doing this most of them use poly lines and other gizmos.

Someone please prove me wrong!  :D


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2009, 12:34:10 pm »

i have tryed other programs and what ENSONIQ5 said pretty much sums up my experiences with other programs.

i mainly use anim8or for the modeling part then import my model into blender for other stuff, like UV mapping and sculpting


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2009, 01:35:13 am »

The point edit mode allows complete control over the position of each vertex point and its relationship to other points

I hav`nt come across any other 3d Modelling Program that is capable of doing this most of them use poly lines and other gizmos.

Someone please prove me wrong!  :D
In MAYA I've been able to move around each individual point, unless you mean something else.


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2009, 01:39:31 am »

i guess he means not to move.....but to enter the exact x,y,z coordinates for a point.


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2009, 02:00:36 am »

I mean you can actually draw with points, no other program is capable of doing this,

I have tried nearly all the others and NONE of them have this capability, apart from a very old program called Sculpt3D. which is not available on the PC.   


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2009, 08:41:26 am »

I mean you can actually draw with points, no other program is capable of doing this...

Mmmmm, not true.  LightWave has this capability...


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2009, 10:41:17 am »

Wooo!!!, Rudy can you let me have details, you may have proved me wrong?  I have lightwave,  though it has been shelved as I always do with all these programs when I can`t free draw with points .

I couldn`t seem to be able to do anything with it, point mode wise.

Off topic... I`m sure Lightwave was a spin off from Imagine when it was available on
Amiga (68030 processor ) shows my age now!

Imagine is free on PC and still looks like the old Imagine I used to know


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2009, 02:45:37 pm »

kreator ---
Sure, I'd be happy to.  The only problem right now is that I'm in York, Pennsylvania (BRrrr), on a business trip, and I only have a company laptop with me.  Hence, no LightWave 'til I get home, so I won't be able to provide any step-by-step.

However, you can plunk down individual points in any of Modeler's windows and minipulate them at-will.  Then, if you so desire, you can lasso-select several to create a polygon.  Of course, you always need to be concerned with the possibility of non-planar polygons, but that's no different from any other modeling software.

Does this sound like what you had in mind?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 02:52:58 pm by RudySchneider »


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2009, 01:35:25 pm »

okay stop flaming each other.

and who cares that lightwave, if it can, can move the points around like anim8or. lets see last time i checked it sprice comparison it came out like so...

anim8or - $0.00
lightwave - $1500.00

if your paying so mush for an animation program you should get everything for it. most 3 products give you somthing for an insane pricetag and then make you shell out more money for plug-ins that you can't get otherwise.
so when a big 3d program is missing somthing its b/c they are doing it for money and not for customer satisfaction, like steve does with anim8or.
there are two things that are contstant. human stupitity and matter.
and i'm not to sure about the second one.
-Albert Einstien


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2009, 02:27:54 pm »

Lizeal, nobody is flaming here until you said, "nd who cares that lightwave, if it can, can move the points around like anim8or."

Many people use multiple programs, and our similarity here is that one is or has been Anim8or.  We all agree its a great program, but programs like lightwave and others cannot be dismissed simply because they have a price tag.  3d programs are not there to make money, and even if they are, they are not successful unless they please the customers.  Please don't so hastily attack other programs.  Anim8or is great, but sometimes people are much too quick on these forums to bash other programs which is not what Anim8or is about.


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Re: Anim8or too primitive?
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2009, 07:39:30 pm »

Anim8or is primitive NOW...

But as we have noticed, it's been rapidly evolving into a force to be reckoned with since day one. It only needs a few more features until it's 100%.

The only thing I feel it needs now is a faster renderer, animated textures, and motion blur.

I'll loophole my way around any other flaw if those are implimented.
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