Floyd; Thanks, I hope it wont be too intensive either. 3ds max can hold a lot more polies before it starts lagging, so I might get a bit overenthousiastic since I am used to that program

Lizeal; I'm glad you like it ^,^
Tanzim; The modeling on my bus model was a bit more on a professional standerd, for this project I won't try to make everything perfect. But I am going to try to improve myself again of course

Kreator; You are absolutely right, I still have to add the opening mechanism on the front, it seems like you can undo the screws a little bit and then turn the items under it that keep it in place.
For now I will focus on the modeling, but I might make a static animation with the gear system in action, because it should look fascinating

Thanks for the encouragements all, I will update soon! (if i can find some time between my schoolwork.)