drat! it was going well too.
i have read the manual countless times but much to my distress
remain befuddled in this area.
i can make edges off a solid
but cant see how i begin to make a single edge from scratch
that i can buid upon.

hang on....... the shift key!!!!
and joining the solids in object mode first!!!!!

i could be there now.........
$£*%& it!!!! ......only took a few years.

a personal anim8or milestone to grasp this form of modelling
Wow!! and the rush when it all came together.
works so well when you finally nail it.
anim8or is such a joy to work with .
got this lovely sensation of walking down the roads of earlier anim8or travellers
when the work flow clicked in.
i recommend giving it a try to those box modellers amongst us.
Great thanks to all that helped.
especially the animanonners i would mention them but they are strictly to remain anonymous .
The pic is a bit of nostalgia for the veterans...dont get any ideas boys this lady is spoken for.