If you're wanting to get your character walking, this video may be of some help.
Some notes:
-walking has a pattern. The pattern can be easilly established in a walk 'sequence'
ie: start - right leg fwd, left arm fwd, right arm back.
middle - left leg fwd, right arm fwd, left arm back
end - right leg fwd, left arm fwd, right arm back.*
(*exactly the same as the start. copy first frame, paste to last frame)
There are 2 main 'mid-transition' frames, located half way before the middle frame, and again halfway after the middle frame.
On a line it would look like this.
Start pose ---- mid transition pose ---- middle pose ----- mid transition pose ---- End pose.
The end pose is identical to the start pose. (copy first frame, paste to last frame)
The middle pose is the reverse of the start and end poses.
The mid-transition poses have an easy formula to complete the sequence.
(front leg down, back leg up), as shown in the video.
The video deals with arms, legs and 'lift'.
Once you have a clear understanding of the 'Pattern', then it becomes easy to add other movements. Neck, Spine, hands etc
Anyway, enough of the blabber.
I hope you enjoy.
Heres the Link.

Other stuff: