Here's a famous tutorial that should help you out a lot. I would advise following this tutorial, then use the techniques you learned from the tutorial to create your own character. Remember, tutorials are there for you to learn the techniques, not to simply copy, though that may be what a person first does. So as you follow the tutorial try to realize what the person is doing for each step and why they're doing it, it should help your own thought process when modeling.
The links rellik showed you are good for learning about edge looping and subdivision modeling, so those should be useful as well. Once you get modeling, feel free to post your progress and we'll give you crits on what you've done!
Note: The tutorial is not anim8or specific. Many tutorials are not, but they can be used in anim8or just as well, you simply have to know how to use some basic tools in anim8or and improvise occasionally. The tutorial's concepts can still be applied just as well in Anim8or.