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Author Topic: Hamaan computer  (Read 7126 times)


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Hamaan computer
« on: January 20, 2009, 06:36:00 pm »

Hamaan is a concept computer label that deals with the high-tech and the simple.
I dreamt it and i decided to put it in words and now it has evolved onto PC thanks to anim8or! ;D.
_--Hamaan uses a monitor screen that incorporates a series of optics and wheels("OWS"). The cube is supercooled and uses purified crystals to store tonnes of data,up to 3 terrabytes. ;D--_

I'm an amateur and i'm hoping to get better since i'm more in the writing department,my designs consequently fall short of real glory.


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Re: Hamaan computer
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2009, 07:24:40 pm »

Not bad for a first try, I like your concepts. The texture on the keyboard is a little streched though. To prevent this, you should use a UV mapping program (such as UV Mapper) to unwrap your mesh and apply the texture in a program like MS paint or photoshop.
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