the small peg thing up against the behemoth of a ship in such an open space looks epic, though could look better if replaced by a human looking thing.
the peg thing is a standin to show the scale of a 6-foot human, i used it because i didn't have a human handy, and couldn't be bothered to build one

more renders please!
ummmaybe... i'll try and get round to it

Strange that the light source in the sky is different to the light on the ship... picky picky headwax 
you're right... in the .an8, there is actually another light coming from the other side, with an orangey colour, to match the sun direction in the sky texture. the blueish light was meant to be a generic sky fill, with the sun acting as the primary source. however, i don't know what went wrong with the render, but one way or another, the sun declined to do much, so i ended up with just the fill/backlight.

thanks for the comments, guys

- c