Hello fellow anim8ors. , and best wishes to all for a happy 2009.

I've been away from here for quite a while now, the only reason being that i don't have an internet connection at home. I did try to keep involved with the .an8 forums, but it just became too difficult to remain as an active member of the anim8or community.
Anyway, i still don't have an internet connection, but have made a new years resoloution to get back here at least 2 or 3 times a week. (internet cafe).
I'm interested in helping out as best i can, but ask that you remember my internet situation, and understand that any replies from me may not be 'instant'.
My thoughts on Anim8or are these. "It rocks!, it rocks!, it rocks!"

If you're a newbie, stick at it. If you're not a newbie, then you are already sticking at it, and thats cool to see.
I know some of you, (hello friends!), and hope to get to know some more of you over time.
While cleaning up an old hard-drive recently, i found a couple of old video-tutorials which i made back in 2005. (anim8or v0.95).
They may be helpfull, or they may not be, but i've uploaded them onto youtube and have supplied the links below.
This one is an introduction to morphing:
And this one is some basics on a bouncing ball:
My latest short video is a music clip, and i'll post the link in 'finished works/works in progress' forum.
I'm out of time.

Keep well, and keep focused.
Goodbye for now.