Thank you headwax.
The moon is actually out of view and to the left 
The empty space in the sky will at some point show a shooting star, keeping it romantic all the way through to honor Chopin's music.
There is a shadow in front of the ballustrade starting at the doorjamb, could your monitor be set a wee bit too bright maybe ?
I'm still fighting with rigging the wing to make it fold properly, it's a slug 
It might my monitor, but i think that the scene is a bit to bright too. Think about where the light in this scene will come from. Most of it will come from the lights inside, those should cast some sharp shadows. Second light source is the moon, which is a soft blue/white light.
Maybe not the best example, but look at this render i once made. I used some blue lights, casting soft shadows, to create moonlight and some yellow/white lights, casting hard shadows, to create local lights.
And don't forget to let all objects, or atleast the important once, cast and receive shadows. This will give it a more reaslistic and ambient look.