This is a feature which could be great to use anim8or files in 3D engines:
An option in Anim8or to optimize vertex/index/UV/Normal export in .an8 files.
Here are some explanations:
In the current version of anim8or:
_ Each triangles have indices to 3 vertices. If 2 triangles use the same vertex, this vertex is stored just one time in the vertex bloc of the an8 file.
_ Each triangles have indices to 2 couple of uv coords (if used). If 2 vertices use the same uv, this uv is stored just one time in the uv bloc of the an8 file.
_ Each triangles have indices to 3 normales (if exported). If 2 vertices use the same normal, this normal is stored just one time in the normal bloc of the an8 file.
_ The same vertex can have sevral different normal (for each face)
_ The same vertex can have sevral different uv (for each face)
_ An .an8 file can have n vertex, m normal and k UVCoord
But for real time 3D application, it's better to have (to use vertex buffer AND index buffer):
_ 1 normal and 1 uv per vertex.
_ Create a copy of a vertex with its normal and uv, if and only if this vertex is used by several faces having different normal and/or uv and/or binormals.
With an option like "optimize buffer output" .an8 files would have:
_ n vertices
_ n uv coords
_ n normals
_ n binormals (if used)
_ each triangle would have just one index per vertex (and not 3). This index would be the same for the vertex, uv, normal and binormal bloc.
Without this feature, the use of IndexBuffer in OpenGL/DirectX is not very usefull because every vertices are duplicated in vertex bufffer. Developper can also create there own optimization, but it's hard and slow.
I hope it's enought clear

PS: This feature could also convert all faces to triangles.