To me it's fun. Seriously, the way I see it, the chance of this movie being made is zilch. But it's nice to have dreams isn't it?
I admire them for having the self confidence to have a dream and to persue it, even if they only persue it for five minutes.
As far as the payment? At my last painting show a little old lady looked at one of my paintings and started to cry. I felt a little uncomfortable and a sked her what the matter was. She answered that the painting reminded her of her grandchild and that she wanted to buy it (it was 500 dollars) but she (the little old lady) had no money. Well, to cut a long story short, I gave her the painting.
Afterwards I found out that she had been a local councillor, and her and her partner had done an enormous amount of work for the arts in our local town over the years. They both have wonderful art collections that will be donated to the regional gallery here after their deaths. In giving this stranger the painting I have made two good and valuable friends and one of my small works may or may not enter the regional gallery here - which will be a great honour for me.
Sorry for the long story. But you see if Kingdom whatever films ever makes it big time you might be surprised what a small contribution now might do.
Of course birds might fly

Consider that if people didn't help each other occasionally, we would not, for example, have this great program anim8or which has been donated to a bunch of strangers (us) by one hard working man.
Sorry for the long post.