Thanks everyone, much appreciated, I didn't expect that many reactions

hihosilver & ENSONIQ5 : you are right about the curtains, I didn't like them either but I have to compromise on keeping the number of faces down. When it takes 14 min. to render the image below, and I expect to render several thousand, then "every little helps"

Anyway, they were too bad so I changed them, very good tip ENSONIQ5.
hihosilver : the museum is in a little colonial building, just a local collection and not part of the British or Metropolitan hence the homely decor.
ENSONIQ5 : I had a small curve at the edge of the stands but obviously not prominent enough, I changed that.
The door is a plain box frame with bumpmap for the same reason as above.
Irv : I did try to get the reflection of a pot in the window in a close-up but it didn't work. The reflection was too big and upside down.
headwax : sorry, I can't see what you mean by weird light on the window, can you give some more detail please.
The Greek vases have a little bit of spec - which is best seen in close-up - but not too much for they are very old and the shininess has worn off.