Hi everybody, that's my first post here.
I take the occasion to greet all the community and to thank you, Steve, for Anim8or, that's a fantastic program and the ART raytracer is truly amazing - just playing around with reflective surfaces, but nothing really cool to share yet.
Version: 0.97d
Steps to reproduce the crash:
- in "Scene Mode" select "Settings > Environment...";
- in the "Environment Editor" dialog click on the "..." button besides to "Cubemap Texture";
- in the "Texture Selector" dialog select "none";
- the program crashes right after clicking "OK".
[ since the same kind of dialog is used by the "Surface Texture Editor" dialog, and since selecting "none" there will not cause a crash, I think that the problem is around the "Environment Editor" dialog - I wasn't sure about reporting this detail, as it seems superfluous to me, but well, here it is anyway ]
I also had some problems loading bitmaps - the only BMP file I was able to load was a 24bits made with Paint, while the program failed to load several other BMP formats made with Gimp. I wasn't able to find any post about this problem, I could give further details or upload some BMP images that failed to load, if needed.
Thank you all for your attention,
all the best,