Each piece of software has various features which others don't so they have to be used. For example particle effects is a lot easier to carry out in Blender where as in Anim8or it is harder to do.
I'll give you a little run down of the software going to be used and what for...
Anim8or-Puttin textures onto the models, animation and rendering. May also use it for some modelling.
Blender-Certain scenes may be made in blender if they are particularily demanding, particle effects can also be done in blender, some modelling will also be done in blender (characters and various objects)
Hexagon 2.2- A large amount of the modelling i'm doing will probably be done in hexagon simply because it has a huge range of tools and is very easy and quick to use. No texturing will be done in hexagon though.
Carrara 5 pro- I put this one down as a kind of maybe program, i'm not that familiar with it however i know that it has excellent rendering facillities so it may be used in some one to do with that however i don't think it is going to be used that much in this project. I might just do some of the still images in this or titles/logo/advert style things with this program.
Paintshop pro 8-Just a program i use to create most of my textures, i've also got a handy little freeware seemless texturing plugin with this program as well which is good.
Gimp/flash - 2d graphic work
Uv mapper classic-Do the UV mapping for use in anim8or
Terranim8or-Any extra bits added in, effects etc
Audacity- recording voices, also editing the soundtrack and music
One to add to this isn't really a piece of software but is a piece of hardware i'm going to be using which is called a Korg padKontrol which is a midi controller for use in creating music on the computer
Any bits of software i've missed out is either because its not going to be used much or .... i forgot it!