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Author Topic: Bone Bending Limits disappeared  (Read 6505 times)


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Bone Bending Limits disappeared
« on: October 14, 2008, 07:39:29 pm »

Hi, I'm very new to anim8tor. All I've done is up to the walkign bird tutorial and some very basic messing around with a few people models. I'm trying to set the bone limits on 2 new people, and the green lines that show the limits I've entered hae disappeared. They were there when I made the bird, but I checked on it and they are gone as well. I really need those green lines to show me the limits I've set, cause I won't know byt he numbers, I don't have that kinda experience yet. Does anyone know what happened?

also, I haven't found it yet but I haven't experimented too much yet. Is there a way to make a stretching texture between two objects? Don't wanna have to make a cylinder or a sphere at every joint I create. Also, how do I make more detailed skins? Solid color can only go so far. Thanks in advance for helping out a newbie. :D


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Re: Bone Bending Limits disappeared
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2008, 06:20:22 pm »

Read all of it -- There's not much at all, and it wont take you too long.
Experiment with all of it -- As you learn each new tool, experiment with the tool, find out what it can do and you'll therefore be teaching yourself when it's useful to use that tool.

For instance, here's what you'll find under figure in the manual:

  This button toggles a visible axis for any selected bones. It also shows you the range of movement for their joints.

That answers your first question.
After reading and experimenting ask the questions you still have.