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Author Topic: Suggestion - Relative Path - and  (Read 8322 times)


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Suggestion - Relative Path - and
« on: October 09, 2008, 02:00:42 am »

For some reason, I have been getting more and more into portable apps. Actually, it really isn't without reason, I have way too many computers that I access, between home and work and friend's houses. Sometimes the flash drive I am working from is E: sometimes it's F: just depending on the day and what all is plugged in first.
Using a relative path for scripts and so on would be Fantastic.

I had actually thought it was already, because when you go to congfigure you see dots, which usually tells me that it means start here.

the second thing, does anim8or write to the registry at all? If so, is it possible to use a .ini file instead for anything that requires registry writes? this would make anim8or completely portable along with all of it's settings.

Just suggestions


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Re: Suggestion - Relative Path - and
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 05:44:55 pm »

I have the same problem! and its a nightmare if you have textures on that flash drive.

I tried using a dos command "subst" as an alias but that only works on directories(folders).


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Re: Suggestion - Relative Path - and
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2008, 04:17:41 pm »

Anim8or uses the registry to save user preferences and directory names for the default texture directory, import/export directory, project directory, etc.  These are saved per-user in the registry.  It seems likt what you could use is a way to either allow multiple directories for resources (like scripts and textures) or to add per-project settings, or somthing like that.  I'll see if I can come up with something.


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Re: Suggestion - Relative Path - and
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2008, 06:52:11 pm »

Steve, thanks, you're too cool for, not only providing anim8or for free, but also being flexible with some of our wants.
I have used .ini files for stand alone programs, to get rid of registry usage. I don't suspect that it would slow anything down, but, it's possible that it might.

as a non programmer, or at least non windows programmer, I would see it being something like anim8or knows what folder it is in, and you can use subfolders of it's folder. Probably not an easy task, but, I've seen it done.
I use which use the same technique. They provide sourcecode, so, you might be able to grab some ideas from there.
Thanks again for all of your hard work.