Thanks, I thought It was too simple

very good - are you planning to make the rest of the set too?
and could i ask what material and render settings you used? it has a really nice glowy feel which i've never been able to achieve.

I did this piece some months (one or two) ago so I can't say if I used the glow effect of =\
but I'm a bit sure that I did
And yes, I'll try to do whole set

Here's one direct from ani8or:

if someone get a little hint to the material to the black pieces, I would be grateful, the one I made is too dark
I'm putting the .an8 file here if you want to see the settings

Aw, actualy, there are four lights, infinite, one coming from bottom(to represent the reflect of the ground, making shadow), another from up, the shadow is soft 100, and two in diagonal, in in the same position, one creating a shadow soft 20, and a normal volume shadow(I think it needs to be changed to raytrace to appear now)