not content with Scanline, OpenGL and the awesome ART, i'd like to suggest the addition of a fourth renderer.

i guess i'd better explain, hadn't i, before you all think i've run stark raving mad...

i'm thinking, how about a wireframe renderer? we have 3 renderers to output faces, with all the associated paraphernalia of materials, textures, attributes, lighting, shadows... you get the idea. but what if we wanted to output the
edges instead? okay, so it would be less used than the face renderers, but it'd be a cool feature to have, and i know i'd definitely use it if i had it available.
i imagine it would be quite simple to write compared to the existing renderers, as you'd be able to just ignore all face, material and light data. all you'd need would be the edges data, a background colour (presumably the same as the scene's default), a foreground colour (you could have this default to the opposite of the background, i guess), and the antialiasing-or-not option. and away you go!
the attached still gives some idea of the sort of output i'm thinking of - i made it by changing GUI settings (including turning off 'Transparent Faces'), using PrintScreen, and manipulating it in Paint to get the colours right. so, i guess it's sort of doable without a built-in renderer. however, if one wants to make a wireframe video, it's a slow, laborious process, and antialiasing is pretty much impossible, so it's far from ideal. so i think a wire renderer would be very cool.

what does everyone else think?
- colclough