The following lighting controls are present in Anim8or now:
1. Each lights color - can be animated with a controller. Has been there for a long time.
2. Global lighting intensity - brightens or dims all lights. Useful when there are a lot of lights and the scene is too bright such as simulating various global effects. New to v0.97c.
3. Gloabl ambient intensity - scales ambient lighting factor. Set to 0 for completely dark shadows. New to v0.97c.
4. Individual light's intenisty. Animatable with controller "intensity" for each light.
Not quite finished in time for v0.97c release - can't seem to fix a couple of bugs in it! This will act like a dimmer for the light so you don't have to animate the color which is somewhat harder to manipulate than an overall dimmer control. May be there for next prerelease if I can get to it. (Don't hold your breath

There is no "dimmer" control for the emissive component however. I haven't decided what's really useful here. I'd rather work on animated materials in general than to spend time on this.