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Author Topic: copy modifier still crashing  (Read 7249 times)


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copy modifier still crashing
« on: September 14, 2008, 08:27:00 pm »

i just download the september 10th .97c and have found that it's still crashing when i try to copy a modifier. i can provide screen shots if needed, but it's just the generic "Anim8or has encountered an error and needs to close" dialog.


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Re: copy modifier still crashing
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2008, 02:33:50 am »

#097-022 - Copying Modifiers without a Bound Shape Crashes.

Thanks for the report.  I've fixed the crash on copy.  There's still some weird problems with the paste.  In fact there's still a lot of problems with undo/redo, saving and reloading files with modifiers in them, etc.  When I get the time I'll look into all this.  In the mean time it's best to just use modifiers to change the shape of something and then "apply" them, and not try to save them to a file.  (This is all realted to how they interact with Undo/Redo - and the code is a real mess!)