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Author Topic: Reset UV to face & some ideias for light  (Read 7113 times)

Guilherme Amorim

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Reset UV to face & some ideias for light
« on: August 27, 2008, 12:29:28 pm »

 ;) Hi!
I was thinking about a button that just with a click would make the texture turn to the same direction of every face, like "lathe" automaticaly does, it could make the work easier than exporting to / importing from external programs. :P

Another think I thought was something like this...

(I)Reflection of Light, if you put a mirror under something that does little, a little part of it is reflected somewhere, as a watch does with the sunlight, you know =P
And you can see as well, in a room, there's only one window, althought you can have a lot of shadows, because the light is reflected from the wall, that is reflected in ground, etc...
(this could take a long time to render, I know...)

(II) Lighting from face, think that there's a computer screen, all extension of its screen make light... Or the sky, all the extension of it makes a blue light, and it's hard to make the sky with infinites spotlights =\

Thx, and Good Afternoon!
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 12:50:25 pm by Guilherme Amorim »
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Re: Reset UV to face & some ideias for light
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 08:29:12 pm »

What about shadow maps for flashlights ans stuff?