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Author Topic: using sequences in scene mode  (Read 10746 times)


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using sequences in scene mode
« on: August 24, 2008, 12:05:59 am »

Im a little confused as to how they work still.  Other then the fact that it adds a bunch of keyframes that will then be tied to the original sequence is there any cohesivness to them?

I dont seem to be able to delete an entire seuqence at once. Doesnt seem to be any list of sequences ive added anywhere. And sometimes when I delete some of the dots in the timeline it doesnt seem to free up that space to add other sequences. is there a trick to deleting a sequence form a scene, or a portion of one.

Or how bout this situation, i added the sequence in the wrong frame and now need to shift the whole thing up one or back one. Can I do that?



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Re: using sequences in scene mode
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2008, 03:43:22 pm »

When you import a sequence, it just basically duplicates all of the keyframes from sequense mode. I wish you could edit an entire sequense in scene mode....

In fact, I wish you could move keyframes (and entire sequences) around with ease.

Steve? lol.


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Re: using sequences in scene mode
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2008, 07:33:16 pm »

I have a round about solution for dealing with sequences in scene mode.

Before importing the first one sequence save filename.an8 AND "SAVE AS" filename_b.an8.
Import the 1st sequence and check that everything is the way I planned.

Save filename_b.an8 AND save "AS" filename_c.an8
Import the 2nd sequence

....... etc.

That way only the last used copy may have ONE sequence which is incorrect and should be deleted and that'is no problem.
Close the file, delete the file and restart with the previous version (i.e.  _b.an8, _c.an8, etc)

When all is done, delete files filename.an8 and all _extensions and continue using the last version.

It's not really as cumbersome as it sounds, it's only a matter of not forgeting to save and save as before moving to the next sequence.

Though all that said, I wish we could just delete a sequence in scene mode and start again.  ;)


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Re: using sequences in scene mode
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2009, 07:01:29 pm »

Why doesn't my walk cycle with all key frames (showing up in sequence) NOT show up in the scene mode?
I keyed in all of the frames for the "robin" walk cycle but...when I switch to the scene mode the keyed frames are not there?

Thank you for any help.


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Re: using sequences in scene mode
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2009, 07:29:21 pm »

Why doesn't my walk cycle with all key frames (showing up in sequence) NOT show up in the scene mode?
I keyed in all of the frames for the "robin" walk cycle but...when I switch to the scene mode the keyed frames are not there?

Thank you for any help.

If you already assigned the animation sequence to the figure in the scene, the sequence should be there. If not, you may have assigned a sequence to an object instead of a figure in scene mode... I don't know if that helped.....


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Re: using sequences in scene mode
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2009, 08:33:49 pm »

 Once the sequence is assigned to a figure in scene mopde,. (select fig -> build -> add sequence), if you copy 1 key from it, and paste it back into the assigned sequence, anim8or will turn all those sequence keys into ordinary keys.
 Once that is done, they can be edited as normal keyframes, including being able to drag-select the whole sequnece of keys, cutting, (or copying), and pasting elsewhere in the scene.
 (can only drag-select in version 0.95. )